Reading Comprehension with Commonsense Reasoning Dataset


(CNN Student News) -- May 3, 2011 Download PDF maps related to today's show: • Abbottabad, PakistanNew York, The Pentagon, Shanksville Transcript THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. CNN ANNOUNCER: This is CNN Breaking News. DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR, CNN NEWSROOM: We're being told by a White House official that the president will make a statement at 10:30. WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR, THE SITUATION ROOM WITH WOLF BLITZER: I'm told by sources it is a national security issue. JOHN KING, CNN HOST, JOHN KING, USA: CNN is told by several sources now that the president of the United States will announce in just moments that the United States has the body of Osama bin Laden.

There are some disagreements between the U.S. and X over how much info the Pakistani government had about the assault on the compound.

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